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Multimédia > Oiseaux et chauves-souris > US radio show: wind farms, bird mortality and green energy analyzed with Mark Duchamp

Wind farms, bird mortality and green energy analyzed
with Mark Duchamp

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On November 17, 2013, Lori welcomed Mark Duchamp from Save the Eagles International.

Mark contends that wind farms will cause the extinction of many bird and bat species, especially if the planned expansion of their use worldwide proceeds. Furthermore he contends many elements of the green energy movement are not only misguided, but also corrupt.

Mark has also co-founded two other organizations, European Platform Against Windfarms and World Council for Nature. Make sure to listen in for a provocative and fascinating analysis.

Animals Today Radio | November 17, 2013

Mark Duchamp
Mark Duchamp, cofounder of Save the Eagles International, European Platform Against Windfarms and World Council for Nature.


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