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Media > Press releases > Foundation vows to expose corrupt Australian system - Public Inquiry called into wind industry


Foundation vows to expose corrupt Australian system

Public Inquiry called into wind industry

On May 9th, Australia’s Waubra Foundation issued a call for a full Public Enquiry by a Royal Commission into the wind industry. This was prompted by an attempt to silence their CEO and longstanding advocate for independent multidisciplinary research, Dr Sarah Laurie.

Following in the steps of Dr Nina Pierpont in the US, Dr Laurie has joined the numerous acousticians and health professionals around the world (1) who have been studying or expressing concern about the effects on people and animals of the vibrations, pulsations, and low frequency sound (including infrasound) emitted by wind turbines. Her success in unearthing the truth has been rewarded by a hate campaign against her, and more recently by an attempt to silence her.   Read more...

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