Sarah Laurie BMBS
PO Box 7112
Banyule VIC 3084
December 1, 2017
The Foundation is aware of the launch of the Chapman and Crichton book “Wind Turbine Syndrome: a Communicated Disease” on 1st December, 2017 and the accompanying media interest in the issue of wind turbine noise, and will be reading it carefully due to a history of frequent misrepresentation of facts, and defamation [1] on the part of the first author.
Before reading and critiquing the book, we note the following facts:
21. Dr Michael Nissenbaum, a medical doctor from the USA (Vermont) and Canada and author of a peer reviewed published study [37] examining sleep disturbance in wind turbine noise exposed residents at two locations in the USA explained the dangers inherent in making a diagnosis of “a nocebo effect” without thorough investigation, in his evidence to the second Australian Federal Senate inquiry. His considered response to a question on notice about the nocebo effect and non medical people who offer it as a suggested diagnosis is reproduced below: [38]
“On ‘nocebo’, if a physician provides the diagnosis of ‘nocebo’ (a psychologically mediated effect analogous to a ‘psychosomatic illness/response’), medical protocols dictate that it be done subsequent to a process of thoroughly excluding the possibility of any pathophysiological pathways that are plausible, more likely, or more important (because of serious downstream implications) to consider.
The ‘nocebo’ concept is inapplicable and it would be irresponsible to apply it as an explanation for the chronic sleep disorders which are the result of often unremembered night-time arousals related to noise (a simple physiological chain of events that is not medically controversial in the least, and which are detectable by validated investigational tools such as used in our study). It’s rushed utilization here would be a conjectural, unfair and cruel exercise that would in effect tell people that while what they are feeling may be real, the origin is ‘all in their head’ rather than in well understood physiological interactions between the sleep mechanism and noise.
Finally, suggesting a diagnosis of ‘nocebo’ without investigating, ‘boots on the ground’, for more plausible, better understood, or more logical causes of a medical condition would normally constitute medical malpractice in most Western-based medical systems, including Australia. Individuals who are not physicians are not limited by this professional mandate or even necessarily this conceptual framework”. (bold our emphasis)
22. We note the descriptor of Fiona Crichton as a “social psychologist”. It is unclear to the Foundation whether Crichton has ever provided clinical psychological care to anyone, let alone someone who is noise sensitized to any source of industrial noise, let alone wind turbine noise. Search of the New Zealand Psychologists Board on 1st December, 2017 found no record of anyone with the surname of Crichton who is currently registered to provide psychological services in New Zealand.[39]
23. In contrast, Psychologists with first hand knowledge of the serious nature of the health problems reported by residents living near wind turbines and who have been prepared to speak publicly include Australian psychologist Peter Trask,[40] and American psychologists and researchers Professor Arline Bronzaft,[41] and Dr Helen Parker.[42]
24. Australian Psychologist Peter Trask, who has provided clinical care to wind turbine noise sensitized people in Australia, had this to say in his submission to the second Australian Senate Inquiry: [43]
“As a practising psychologist, I have only recently become aware of this WTS first-hand, although for some years I have had some peripheral exposure, via the mainstream media. More recently however, I have met many individuals directly affected by WTS, and have had the privilege to be providing two individuals with psychological treatment and support.
Based on my recent experiences and interactions with such affected individuals, I am satisfied that this WTS condition is real. This conclusion of mine is based upon both hearing the stories of affected individuals and being aware of and having access to the limited yet growing scientific body of evidence highlighting this deleterious syndrome.”
This syndrome is not, in my view, a psychosomatic illness or a nocebo effect. If this syndrome was primarily a psychosomatic condition, the genesis of the WTS would be rooted in inappropriate or irrational cognitive processing and my assessment of affected individuals elicits no evidence to support this. Moreover, psychosomatic conditions require a level of conscious awareness of adverse stimuli to activate somatic symptoms in the body. Conversely, I believe that the WTS affects people at a sub-conscious level, creating somatic symptoms without a conscious (or cognitive) awareness of why. Accordingly, this WTS is potentially a very insidious syndrome as the usual cognitive associations are not established till much later. At this later stage, psychosomatic responses may emerge, similar to people affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, but only retrospectively.
With regard to the nocebo effect (believing that one will be adversely affected in exposure to specific stimuli previously labelled as toxic or dangerous), the various theories of motivation ought to be acknowledged. Clearly, motivation among humans is a complex phenomenon. Nevertheless, for those affected by WTS that I have met and treated, there is no plausible motivation-based explanation for why they would want to be sick nor expect to be so, based on their prior life and medical histories. Furthermore, these are people who have possessed a very close affinity and love for their homes and locations, and so, have endured this syndrome for extended periods, and then in desperation, like environmental refugees, have had to leave their homes, with substantial regret.
I shall leave the scientific and/or neurological theories and explanations to the experts. Nevertheless, the existence of low frequency sound energy, produced by wind turbines, and inaudible to the human ear, may be the reason for this syndrome. While this low frequency noise or sound energy (aka infrasound) may be inaudible and thus not able to be consciously perceived by the human ear, it does appear that the ear’s vestibular system is still capable of perceiving the presence of this infrasound, and so send signals to the central nervous system for processing, in this case without the conscious awareness of the affected individual. Despite this, it appears that this infrasound stimuli activates the automatic survival response, more commonly known as the fight/flight/freeze response. Consequently, somatic symptoms are experienced by affected individuals. These symptoms include hyper-arousal, anxiety, racing heart, nausea, muscle tension, panic, concentration and attention problems, memory difficulties, and more. At night, these symptoms can lead to insomnia and sleep disturbance, and consequent stress and emotional instability in the waking hours.
On the basis that this syndrome is not a psychosomatic illness (in the first instance) or nocebo effect, relief for affected people may only be achieved by removing them from the environment apparently responsible for catalysing their symptoms. Dialogue with affected people provides anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of this approach. Sadly however, chronic exposure to infrasound over an extended period, may more permanently alter the neurological state of affected people, and in such cases, we observe trauma-like symptoms among this cohort.”
25. With respect to Wind Turbine Syndrome specifically, we note that even an acoustician often used by the wind industry as an expert witness, Geoff Leventhall, has acknowledged the usefulness of Dr Nina Pierpont’s study in identifying risk factors for people developing what he (Leventhall) refers to as stress symptoms from audible noise. The relevant extract of Leventhall’s commentary during his presentation at the NHRMC workshop in June 2011 is below: [44]
“But what struck me was that the results were already well-known. There is nothing new in the wind turbine syndrome. Except Pierpont showed us a predisposition due to existing health problems. These are what she described as the symptoms for wind turbine syndrome:
Sleep disturbance, headache, tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, visual blurring, tachycardia, irritability, problems with concentration and memory and on it goes, etc. etc.
Now when I saw those I thought to myself I’ve been familiar with these for years. These are exactly the same as the stress effects due to noise annoyance. And here are these that I’ve just shown on the previous slide for wind turbine syndrome and these are taken from a paper I gave in 2002, long before I’d ever heard of Pierpont, showing the effects of noise, the very stressful effects which annoyance by noise can have on a small number of people.
26. In 2003 Leventhall coauthored a UK Government document that stated “There is no doubt that some humans exposed to infrasound experience abnormal ear, CNS, and resonance induced symptoms that are real and stressful. If this is not recognised by investigators and their treating physicians … a psychological reaction will follow and the patient’s problems will be compounded”.[45]
27. Finally, we note that Simon Chapman has been very vocal about the issue of non-disclosure of conflicts of interest in the tobacco industry research arena, stating “Having any sort of financial relationship with a funder with deep commercial interests in the outcomes of the research is the most basic example of a conflict of interest that needs declaring”.[46] We further note that Chapman received money from the wind industry in early 2013,[47] but rarely declares his own remuneration and consequent financial conflict of interest, and nor do the media outlets who frequently quote him as an expert in this area.[48]
[4] see our annual accounts, publicly available via the ACNC website link above, for further information
[14] evidence given in Waubra Foundation’s appeal against the ACNC’s revocation of Health Promotion Charity Status.
[15] see p 47
[17] see page 42
[19] see p 14, section 4.2.2, 4th paragraph
[20] see p 16, section 7.5.3
[21] For a case report of such cross sensitization, see
[23] For detailed critiques of the Health Canada study please see
[25] Personal communication with multiple attendees at that conference, including Australian Acoustician Steven Cooper
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