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Echos > 2014 > Can you help me, us???:The Civile Initiative for Protection of Senozeska Brda



Can you help me, us???

Civilna iniciativa za zaščito Senožeških Brd
Civil Initiative for the Protection of Senožeška Brda (Senozeska Brda)

letter from Diego Loredan Slovenia to Nina Pierpont
Dear Sir or Madam,
We appeal to you with our urgent request to be in collaboration with you due to our need of your help. We are a »Civil Initiative for the Protection of Senožeška Brda« (henceforth: Senozeska brda), which was established in the region of the village of Senožeče (henceforth: Senozece) belonging to the Municipality of Divaca (henceforth: Divaca)  – Slovenia. We firmly believe you can offer help to us by a written support mediated to our government by informing it with the below given problems.

The establishment of our Iniciative was due to project of the State Environmental Planning Policy being named »The Park of Wind Turbines of Senozeska Brda«. In our village Senozece the investor VEPA Ltd (VEPA d.o.o). plans to build up to 40 wind turbines with the power of 3MW, altogether with the power of 120MW. Besides, its plan also includes the building of accesible, strong and fortified roads and connecting-20kV-wind power-cable lines of distribution transformer station, portable 2 x 110 kV power transmission lines and bulding and restoration of two 110 kV power transmition lines at the transformer station in Divaca.  Since the iniciative of the State Environmental Planning Policy the following activities have been taking place up to now:

  • Ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment – The Energy Directorate gives an iniciative for the plan of the wind park in July 2013,

  • The plan is introduced to the Municipality of Divaca in July 2013,

  • The process of gathering and collecting suggestions, proposals, recommendations, orientations, directions, opinions and public proposals follows in September 2013,

  • An analysis of guidelines is carried out and introduced to the local communities in October 2013,

  • The Government of the Republic Slovenia writes a Draft Act about the preparing of the State Environmental Plannig Policy for »The Park of Wind Turbines of Senozeska Brda« and a Draft Act about forming a working group for its preparing in May 2014.

As a consequence we gathered all the observations and remarks and mediated them to the investor und the initiator of the project (The Ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment). Our remarks were mostly related to to environmental aspect (the destruction of our essential element of our unique Karst Region (veduta - view)), economic aspect (the electricity bills will be higher due to the subvention to the Country), health aspect (the influence of low-frequency noise on the health and well-being of people and animals) and social aspect (the plan does not bring any additional workplaces, moreover the sole purchase of land cannot be the perspective for the progress of the local population). The remarks, made by us, with the signatures of the local population, were not taken into consideration at the presentations and meetings, which was actually a reason for establishment of a »Civil Initiative for Protection of Senožeška Brda« in co-operation with the Civil Iniciative Brkini and the Agency Alpe Adria Green, which is also YOUR member.

So far made discussions and activities have shown that the inhabitants of Senozece and its surroundings constitute a great majoriry of the population who is against »The Park of Wind Turbines of Senozeska Brda« in our region, which has also been comfirmed lately by the results in a nonbinding, consultative, referendum. The local populaton has confirmed that the problems of wind park in our region represent a burning question to them by high voter turnout (64 %) of which 58,2 % voters were against »The Park of Wind Turbines of Senozeska Brda«. We do not see the development of our region and establishment of new workplaces in setting up the energy industry zone with wind turbines, but on the contrary, in tourism development ind its acommpanying activities, where the natural richness of the countryside of Senozeska Brda plays one of the key roles in the successful developement of this region.
The Municipality of Divaca promotes our Karst region as a region of an untouched and unique nature where people, animals and their surroundings live and breathe in harmony with the unique nature and therefore protects natural and cultural heritage with vast forests and typical and unique Karst features. The untouched location provides shelter for numerous endangered species and types of animals and plants; that is why the Natura 2000 network comprises as much as 54% of the territory, which is the largest in Slovenia. Park Škocjanske Jame caves (the Skocjan Caves – see link: is also against the wind turbine power stations anywhere in our region.
The park is located in the influential region of the planned wind turbines and is because of its amazinging natural beauty enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage.

In the existing State Environmental Plan of the Republic of Slovenia, in an Act on Nature Protection and Landscape Conservation, the Karst Regional Park is defined as a binding starting point of the Republic of Slovenia, which has to be taken into consideration by all local environmental plans by local municipalties. As a matter of fact, sly withdrawal of the wind turbine power stations on the edge of the planned park or Nature 2000 is neither an honourable nor a cultural act, because it is a well-known fact that influence of low frequency acoustic waves (LFAW) and infrasound spread out from a point at some considerable distance away (more kilometres), and birds and people as well never stop on the edges.
There are some people there who are not aware of one fact therefore it is worth warning that the proposal for enlisting of the Slovenian Classic Karst to the World Heritage UNESCO List as one of the most genuine and typical examples of the Karst area in the whole world has already been made (see link: For a proposal to be accepted, only the professional expertises are needed, which will »with the support of wind turbines« definetely not be able to pass the strict requirements of UNESCO, moreover the committee will not be even given an opportunity to get the genuine feelings about what Karst and its typical and genuine nature actually are.

The wind turbines of such a great wind power capacity and extensiveness which they want to set up in Senozeska Brda DO NOT IN ANY WAY REPRESENT GREEN ENERGY:

  • There will be a permanent destruction of our forest of about 400.000 m2 – that means the size of more than 40 football pitches,

  • 15.000 m3 of concrete – that means approximately the size of 30 smaller blocks of flats - will remain in our soil forever – even after the removal of wind turbines, after their lifetime is over (20 to 25 years),

  • Due to the instability of wind, wind turbines will not contribute to the lower CO2 emissions,

  • If the wind turbines are set up, we will have to sacrifice the last parts of our genuine nature, which is our treasure, and NOT an obstacle to progress,

  • Gigantic wind farms on vast flat fields or coasts of oceans that can be seen in some other countries are not appropriate for Slovenia and as a consequence they would have a dramatic impact on our small country Slovenia. Therefore they cannot be set up in this small, unique and hererogenous Slovenia,

  • Negative impacts of wind turbines on people and animals have been well-known for a long time, but unfortunately the current legislation and policy of Slovenia is out-of-date THEREFORE


Yours faithfully,
Chairman Diego Loredan on behalf of
Civilna iniciativa za zaščito Senožeških Brd
Civil Initiative for the Protection of Senožeška Brda (Senozeska Brda)

Nina Pierpont Answer


Download Nina Pierpont letter - (Pdf)














