Πολυμέσα > Environmental destruction > Rollins Wind Project from the Air, Maine, USA
« Here are the links to the photos of Rollins Project in Lincoln Lakes. Two sets, a set I took from the ground on a hike to the north end of Rollins Mt and around the area; another set from the fly over I did with intrepid pilot Gary Steinberg.
We must get these images out to everyone, so please distribute them widely. People must know that this is just the latest in a huge number of planned projects. Let these photos warm others of what is likely coming to a ridge near them!
Brad Blake »
The turbines go on and on for 7 miles on the ridges above the 13 Lincoln Lakes.
Closer to Rocky Dundee from another year round home on Mattanawcook Lake.
Three unfinished wind turbines hover above these cottages on Upper Cold Stream Pond (known locally as the "Little Narrows"). The gentle whisper of breezes in the pines and the call of the loons will be replaced by the roar, thumping, and screeching of industrial turbines.
The rape of Rollins goes on for more than a thousand acres.
Bulldozers sit waiting on Sunday to continue the push on to the ridge in the background. The deer and game birds that live in these hardwood ridges have been driven away. A travesty!
« Photos of a small part of the Rollins Project of First Wind in Lincoln, Maine. Rollins Mountain and four ridges known as Rocky Dundee are being blasted, scalped, and leveled for a 40 turbine industrial wind project. Located in a poor wind potential area, the project should never have been approved. These ridges in Lincoln Lakes are the height of land between three major river system and have 11 of the 15 Lincoln Lakes within a mile of the site. »
Learn more on www.friendsoflincolnlakes.org