Media > Press releases > French Environmentalists give the green light to the desecration of cemetery of the D-Day beaches
Press release
June 3, 2013
The French Greens from Normandy EELV (Europe Écologie les Verts from Bessin and Côte de Nacre) decided to support the project of 75 giant wind turbines off the landing beaches of Normandy, and give their consent to the desecration of the cemetery where on June 6 1944 thousands of soldiers of all nationalities died to save France and Europe from the tyranny. (1)
The French Fédération Environnement Durable declares:
This wind farm project named Courseulles-sur-Mer is totally incompatible with the current request to classify the landing beaches as UNESCO World Heritage.
"You were given the choice between collaboration with financial groups and the honour of France, you chose collaboration and you will have dishonour."
Jean-Louis Butré
President of FED
FED: 870 associations
(1) EELV : "parc éolien et mémoire ne sont pas contradictoires"
Tendance Ouest 31-05-2013
Alors que le débat entre les partisans d'un parc éolien en mer au large de Courseulles-sur-Mer et les défenseurs de la mémoire est vif, les militants Europe...