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Events > 2010 > Demonstration in Berlin, May 15, 2010

DEMO IN BERLIN — Saturday, May 15, 2010

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Saturday, anti-windfarm campaigners demonstrated in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. More than 100 defence committees were represented. Where are the tallest wind turbines in the Lander of Brandenburg, are there projects to install mega-turbines and what do the neighbours think?


Jutta Reichardt (Spokeswoman of EPAW for Germany) and Jean-Louis Butré (Chairman of EPAW)

Short report on the Berlin demonstration of May 15, 2010
translated from Jutta Reichardt's full report in German

About 400 delegates from 118 federations, associations or defense committees came from all over Germany to demonstrate at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Thomas Jacob, spokesman of the Volksinitiative Brandenburg and organizer of the demonstration, said that a large part of the population living in the country is no longer willing to endure the nuisances, the loss of quality of life, and the landscape destruction caused by windfarms.

EPAW, a federation of 412 organisations from 21 European countries, was represented by its chairman Jean-Louis Butré, also president of the Fédération Environnement Durable (FED), who came from Paris, and by Prince Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, vice-chairman and president of the federation Bundesverband Landschaftsschutz.

Mr. Butré demanded a moratorium on all windfarm projects and the undertaking of a complete assessment of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of windfarms in Europe.

Jutta Reichardt, the spokesperson of EPAW in Germany and founder of the anti-windfarm federation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, stressed that she received 101 messages of solidarity from foreign countries, including one from the North American anti-windfarm federation (NA-PAW).

Around the world, windfarm victims and environmentalists are raising the same issues as in Germany:

  • Destruction of wildlife (especially birds and bats) and their habitat
  • Loss of natural and cultural heritage
  • Conflicts in the population, with threats addressed to anti- windfarm campaigners
  • Loss of democratic rights, such as freedom of expression and consultation of the population
  • Corruption, and pervasive influence of the windfarm lobby
  • Loss of property values
  • Pressions upon the population by the windfarm lobby, politicians, and the media
  • Financial losses in tourism and cattle-raising
  • Silencing of nature conservation NGOs by the windfarm lobby, by way of donations or sponsoring
  • Anti-social subventions to the windfarm industry, which have the effect of raising the price of electricity for all
  • Promoters lying to municipalities and to future windfarm neighbours
  • Loss of quality of life because of noise, shadow flicker and visual pollution
  • Diffamation and discrimination against windfarm opponents
  • Greed without limits on the part of landowners, windfarm operators, and corrupt councillors
  • Laws on renewable energy that favour a few speculators against the interests of the population
  • Lies depicting populations eager to "save the climate" and pleased to live in the vicinity of windfarms
  • Health problems caused by noise and infrasound

Children from Schleswig-Holstein presented a garland of flags representing the countries from where messages of support were received. In Germany as in these countries, many windfarm neighbours complained about symptoms such as tinnitus, a faster heartbeat, sleep disorders, vertigos, and hyper-tension.

US physician Nina Pierpont, author of a 5-year study on the WTS syndrome, sent a vibrant message of sympathy to windfarm victims. She finds it irresponsible to allow windfarms closer than 2 km from habitations, given their known effects on the inner ear.

Harmut Schönduwe, from Volksinitative Brandenburg, spoke about health disorders cause by wind turbines, quoting a study by Dr Elmar Weiler on nuisances caused by infrasound. The windfarm syndrome affects an increasing number of people, e.g. in Nauener Platte, Brandenburg, where are implanted 170 wind turbines.

Journalist Günther Ederer, known for his independence and his unforgiving articles, denounced the collusion of German political parties of all tendencies in favour of the anti-social energy policy that raises the price of electricity for the benefit of special interests.

At the end of the demonstration, delegates from various German Landers met in Berlin's House of Cultures to found a national anti-windfarm federation.

Jutta Reichardt wishes to thank the people who made this event possible: organizers, speakers, demonstrators, and windfarm victims from around the world who sent heart-felt messages of support.

This demonstration marks the beginning of a nation-wide cooperation in the fight against the windfarm scourge. We hope it will help create a worldwide union in the resistance against destruction of human and wildlife habitat by windfarms.

Please do join us in this effort while it is still time to stop the windfarm contdisaster!

Jutta Reichardt

Pictures of the demonstrations here: and

If you wish to comment or add anything, photos, articles, links etc. please contact:
marco.bernardi(at) or jutta.reichardt(at)

Jutta Reichardt (Spokeswoman of EPAW for Germany), Ferdinand Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Bartenstein (Vice-Chairman of EPAW), Jean-Louis Butré (Chairman of EPAW) and Thomas Jacob (Spokesman of the Volksinitiative Brandenburg)

Jutta and Marco invite you to demonstrate

Dear friends and allies in the fight against industrial wind turbines,

On 15th May, we are meeting at the Brandenburg Gate in the centre of Berlin to start the first public demonstration at 2.00pm

In a country like Germany, where energy produced by wind turbines is called "ecological" and where industrial wind turbines are sacred, this is extremely remarkable!

People living in proximity to the 25,000 wind turbines in this country (some of them for 20 years or more) suffering from WTS (Wind Turbine Syndrome), or who are likely to become ill if the installation of an additional 25,000 new generation wind turbines planned and approved goes ahead, start their first protest against this sacrosanct wind power.

These people are frightened of being marginalised by politicians and the media, or even threatened by neighbours (who benefit financially from the wind turbines).

Almost all the major conservation organisations in Germany have sold out to the industrial wind turbine lobby by accepting donations and sponsorship. There is therefore no support from this direction for wildlife protection.

We are these people in Germany who need your help!

If you can, come and join us in Berlin so that together we can show our discontent with this tyranny against man and nature.

If you cannot come to Berlin, please send us a short letter of support.

Many thanks to all who've already sent us wonderful messages of support and reports about their experiences of fighting against and living with wind turbines!!! Marco has published them on our new website:

We need a global movement against the destruction of man and nature by the wind industry and its profiteers.

Kind regards

Jutta & Marco from Windwahnmarsch in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Am 15.5.2010 findet eine gesamtdeutsche Kundgebung am Brandenburger Tor - Pariser Platz statt. Diese soll um 14 Uhr beginnen.

Treffpunkt 13:30 Uhr vor der Tribüne.

Sie steht unter folgendem Slogan:

118 Bürgerinitiativen aus ganz Deutschland fordern von der Bundesregierung:

  • Einen nationalen Plan zur Energieeinsparung in allen Bereichen.
  • Keine Subventionen mehr für die ineffektive Windindustrie.
  • Schutz von Menschen,Natur und Landschaft vor der Windindustrie.
  • Öffentliche Mittel für die Entwicklung effizienter, konstanter Energietechniken.

Wir freuen uns, daß wir den bekannten Fernseh-Journalisten Günter Ederer als Hauptredner gewinnen konnten. Weitere Persönlichkeiten und Bürger, die sich dem Thema anschließen, sind willkommen.

Die einzelnen BI's und Verbände erhalten die Landesflaggen, am 15.5., vor der Bühne.Also, wer will, kann noch Landeswappen mitbringen, aber 16 sind vor Ort. Wichtig sind die Plakate und die Transparente mit einschlägigen Losungen zu unserer Thematik. Bitte nicht vergessen!!!

Weiterhin appeliere ich nochmals an alle BI's und Verbände, mit vielen, vielen Bürgern anzureisen,denn es ist eine Chance, in der Hauptstadt und vor den Medien auf das gesamtdeutsche Windproblem aufmerksam zu machen. Nutzen wir die Chance!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Jacob

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Offener Brief an 68 Bürgerinitiativen
in der gesamten Bundesrepublik

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

DIE VOLKSINITIATIVE "Gegen die Massenbebauung Brandenburgs mit Windindustrieanlagen", bestehend aus 18 Bürgerinitiativen, bemüht sich seit Jahren, die Zerstörung der Brandenburger Kulturlandschaft durch Windindustrieanlagen aufzuhalten.

Unser Bundesland wird immer mehr zu einem riesigen Standort für die uneffektive Windenergiegewinnung. Zahlreiche Gespräche mit dem Ministerpräsidenten und Mitgliedern des Landtags führten zu keinem Konsens.

Die kritischen Stimmen gegen die Windenergiegewinnung mehren sich allerdings. Schon vor Jahren riefen 105 Wissenschaftler und Künstler im "Darmstädter Manifest" gegen die Industriealisierung ländlicher Gebiete mit Windkraftanlagen auf und warnten vor dieser ineffektiven alternativen Industrie.

51 Bürgerinitiativen haben sich bei EPAW angemeldet. Jede Initiative kämpft mit mehr oder weniger Erfolg gegen die Errichtung von Windanlagen in ihrer Region. Doch bleiben diese Kämpfe eben regional beschränkt. Jede BI kämpft für sich allein. Aber nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. Gemeinsam könnten wir die Regierenden zwingen über konstante neue Energiequellen nachzudenken, die Subventionsgelder für Windenergie in wirklich alternative Forschung zu stecken.

Wir müssen unsere Wut über die Zerstörung unseres Landes gemeinsam öffentlich äußern. Wenn wir uns zusammenschließen und im Lande eine Kraft darstellen, dann können wir vielleicht das Schlimmste noch verhindern.

Deshalb schlage ich vor: Organisieren wir gemeinsam (Frühjahr oder zeitiger Sommer) eine große Demonstration in Berlin, vor dem Kanzleramt. Wir müssen viele Bürger mobilisieren, um diese Demo zu einem Erfolg werden zu lassen. Nur so können wir unseren Zorn auch über die Medien verbreiten.

Wie ist Ihre Meinung zu diesem Vorschlag?

Schreiben Sie mir und geben Sie bitte auch Ihre Telefonnummer an.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen und hoffentlich vielen Reaktionen.

Thomas Jacob



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