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Echos > 2015 > Turkey: Despite the judicial decisions Lodos A.S started to run the german ENERCON turbines again


turquie Turkish original article

fr Version en français ( traduction rapide)

uk English

Flash iformation : june18 2015

Despite the judicial decisions that were commissioned to stop the Karaburun WPP , on the 13 th of June the investor Lodos A.S started to run the german ENERCON turbines again.

The local Environmental and Ecological NGO’s , lawyers and the public has now complained to the Governor and to the prosecutor. Demanding the court decision to be implemented.

In 2005 The Ministry of Environment issued an  "Environmental  impact assessment is not required" for 8 turbines.  After that the EMRA – the Energy Market Regulator has continued to modiy the lisence by raising the numbers of turbines to 166, extending to cover 61 % of Karaburun peninsula -  but still no  consulting with the public.  An EIA has never been made.

That’s why on the 25th of May, the Administrative court , Ankara decided to cancel the lisence. This decision has now been ignored by the company and it’s affiliates and the turbines started to run again.

On the 13 th of June, The Gendarmerie was called  to the turbine site to investigate and a report was made.

Company officials say that the turbines has started  again in accordance with the instructions they received from TEIAŞ – the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company.

The locals of Karaburun are determined to fight for their human and democratic rights.

“This is about our nature, all livings, the health of the people and our future. We will not accept them to turn our beautiful peninsula into an industrial energy zone in the name of “green energy” in this illegal way.”

The company and it’s affiliates don’t have the permissions and the project is  against the law. We will continue to fight against these unlawfulness. We will protect our land and environment and use all our legal rights to stop these illegal turbines!

This is for our future, the future of Karaburun !
Karaburun belongs to the public !

Source :







Yaylaköy, Karaburun

15 MAYIS 2015

They have got rights for 60 turbines, only 76 MW in a very small area.... it is insane !!!

50 operating wind turbines stopped by the court!


The Administrative Court in Ankara has ruled that fifty operating wind turbines in Karaburun be stopped. The locals of Yaylaköy, Karaburun are delighted with the court decision. It is 20 days since the wind turbines stopped working.

From the beginning of the struggle to protect their village from the adverse affects from the Wind Power Plants that are spreading all over the peninsula, the local people have finally received good news. The Administrative Court, ruled in April that even if fifty wind turbines are already operating, the activities have to be halted since the environmental damage is irreversible. First an EIA report will have to be issued. The wind turbine company's request to continue to run their turbines meanwhile, was also denied by the court.


The lawyer Cem Altiparmak  said the decision would be a first in the country. Mr. Altiparmak states that there are very few court cases related to renewable energy. In this area the law is insufficient, there are no precedents, so we have to live it to get experience. "A number of license revocation proceedings have started in our country. Our court ruling is one of the first and will have an impact on up-coming cases.
What has happened ?
İzmir Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Development, had issued a "EIA Not Required" to install 166 MW  in the Karaburun Peninsula. 8 years later when EMRA issued a new license for another 50 turbines to the same company leaning on the same “EIA Not Required” document , the residents of Yaylaköy  and the environmental movement Karaburun City Council sued EMRA – The Energy Market Regulatory Authority.


The court ruled that this is against the law and if allowed to operate the damages will irreversible therefore all operations have to be stopped until an EIA investigation has been performed.

The court decision has given hope to the local people as well as other people in Cesme, Bodrum, Datca and Urla where wind turbines projetcs are being planned without any public consultation. All these projects have been issued with a EIA Not Required”.


Hopefully this Wind turbine project will not be able to operate again and for the first time in years the people in Yaylaköy are able to sleep comfortably and we will continue to work for that, says one man from the village.

Source :


Karaburun'da rüzgâr türbini projesi durduruldu

Ankara Bölge İdare Mahkemesi’nin kararı ile Karaburun Yaylaköy’deki elli rüzgar tribününün çalışması durduruldu. Karaburunluları sevindiren mahkeme kararı ile, 20 gündür köydeki tribünler çalışmıyor

  • 11


İzmir'de Karaburun’a yayılmaya başlayan Rüzgar Enerji Santralleri'ne (RES) karşı mücadele eden ilçe halkı iyi haberler almaya başladı. Ankara Bölge İdare Mahkemesi, Nisan ayı içerisinde verdiği karar ile ‘uygulanması halinde telafisi güç zarara yol açacağı’ gerekçesi ile elli rüzgar tribününün faaliyetlerini durdurdu. Şirketin tribünleri çalıştırma isteğine olumsuz yanıt veren idare mahkemesi, RES şirketinin talebini red ederek, tribünlerin faaliyetlerini durdurdu.


Mahkemenin kararını değerlendiren Avukat Cem Altıparmak, bu kararın  ülkede bir ilk olabileceğini ifade etti. Yenilenebilir enerjiye ilişkin çok az dava olduğunu söyleyen Altıparmak, “Ülkemizde RES’lere karşı lisans iptali davası çok az sayıda. Bizim açtığımız dava ve sonucu beklide ilk sayılır. Bu konudaki mevzuat da yetersiz, mahkeme kararları da neredeyse yok, biz de açıkçası yaşayarak bilgi ediniyoruz. O nedenle bu karar çok önemlidir. Lodos A.Ş. tribünlerini yeniden işletebilmek için ÇED sürecinden başlaması gerekecek, umarız bu süreçleri ilerlemezler, çünkü Yaylaköy’lüler yıllar sonra yeniden rahat uyuyabildiler, bunun bozulmaması için çaba sarf edeceğiz.” Dedi.
ne olmuştu?

İzmir Valiliği Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğünün, Karaburun Yarımadası’nda kurulmak istenen 166 türbin kurulumu için “ÇED Gerekli Değildir” kararı vererek, Lodos A.Ş.’ne ait RES Projelerine izin verdi.  8 yıl sonra da EPDK, yeni 50 türbin için üretim lisansı verdi. Bu kararlar üzerine Yaylaköy sakinleri, Karaburun Kent Konseyi ve çevre hareketi Enerji Piyasası Denetleme Kurulu'na dava açtı. Dava sonucunda Ankara Bölge İdare Mahkemesi, hukuka aykırı olduğu ve uygulanması halinde davacının telafisi güç zararına yol açacağı açık bulunan dava konusu işlemin, dava sonuna kadar ve teminat aranmaksızın yürütmenin durdurulması karar verdi. RES şirketi Lodos A.Ş. karar ile rüzgar tribünlerinin faaliyetinin duracağını açıklayıp verilen  karar ile bunu mu kastettiklerini mahkemeye sordu. Mahkeme de kararının tribünlerin de durdurma kararı olduğunu açıklayarak, şirkete bildirdi. Yaklaşık yirmi gündür Yaylaköy’de RES’ler faaliyetini durdurmuş durumda. Karar, hem Yaylaköy’de hem de ilçenin geleceği için mücadele eden ilçe halkında mutluluk yarattı.



Ils avaient obtenu lun permis pour 60 turbines, seulement 76 MW dans une très petite zone ....
c'etait fou !!!

50 éoliennes en fonctionnement viennent d'être arrêtées par le tribunal d'Ankara


Le tribunal administratif d'Ankara a jugé que cinquante éoliennes en fonctioonnement à à Karaburun doivent être arrêtées.
Les habitants de Yaylaköy, Karaburun sont ravis de la décision du tribunal.
Les eoliene sont arr^tées depuis 20 jours .

Depuis le début du combat pour protéger leur village des effets néfastes des centrales éoliennes qui se répandent dans toute la péninsule, les populations locales ont finalement reçu une très bonnes nouvelles.
Le tribunal administratif, a statué en Avril et jugé que même si cinquante éoliennes étaient déjà en fonctionnement elles devaient être arrêtées depuis leur dégradation irréversible de l'environnement est irréversible.

D'abord une "étude d'impact ?" ( 'EIA Report) devra être émis. La demande du promoteur éolien de continuer à faire fonctionner ses turbines , a égalementelle aussi rejetée par le tribunal.


C'est une première décision

L'avocat "Cem Altiparmak" a déclaré que dit que la décision serait une première dans le pays.

M. Altiparmak déclare qu'il ya très peu de cas de justice liés à l'énergie renouvelable. Dans ce domaine, la loi est insuffisante, il n'y a pas de précédents, de sorte que nous avons à vivre et à acquérir de l'expérience. "Un certain nombre de procédures de révocation de permis ont déjà commencé dans notre pays.
Cette décision de justice est l'une des premières et aura un impact sur les affaires à venir.
Que s'est-il passé? Direction provinciale l'Environnement et du Développement urbain du gouverneur d'Izmir de, avait permi "sans étude d'impact? ( EIA non requis) pour installer 166 MW dans la presqu'île de Karaburun.

8 ans plus tard quand EMRA a signé à la même société un nouveau permis pour un autres 50 turbines en se referant au même document "sans étude d'impact ", les habitants de Yaylaköy et le Conseil municipal du "mouvement environnemental Karaburun" ont deposé une plainte contre EMRA -( L'Autorité de régulation du marché de l'énergie).
Le tribunal a jugé que cela est contraire à la loi et de les laisser fonctionner entrainerait des s dommages irréversibles donc toutes les opérations devaient stoppées jusqu'à ce qu'une enquête d'impact ait étéé effectuée.

La décision du tribunal a donné de l'espoir à la population locale ainsi que d'autres personnes à Cesme, Bodrum, Datça et Urla où les éoliennes sont en cours de planification sans aucune consultation publique. Tous ces projets ont été decidés snas etudes d'impact ' EIA non requis ).

Espérons que ce projet d'aerogénératuers ne sera pas en mesure d'^tre ermis en route car pour la première fois depuis des années les gens dans Yaylaköy ont enfin la possibilité de dormir confortablement et nous allons continuer à travailler pour quecela continue , dit un homme du village.



