Professionals voice concern
An impressive number of health practitioners, researchers and acousticians from around the world are voicing their concern about the effects of wind turbines on people’s health.
Both acute and chronic exposure to wind turbines can cause serious health problems.
You may review the science here:
See also this most important abridged documentary where health professionals describe very clearly the main causes: low frequency noise (including infrasound), and MODULATION:
Below is the list of health practitioners, researchers and acousticians who have investigated or voiced concern for the health and well being of wind turbine neighbors - apologies to those we forgot to mention, and please advise us of errors and omissions at

In alphabetical order:
- Professor Mariana Alves Pereira, Biomechanical Engineer (Portugal, 2007)
- Dr Ian Arra, Public Health Physician (Canada, 2013)
- Mr Stephen Ambrose, Noise Engineer (USA, 2011)
- Associate Professor Jeffrey Aramini, Epidemiologist (Canada, 2010)
- Dr Huub Bakker, Engineer, (New Zealand, 2010)
- Dr Linda Benier, Ear Nose & Throat specialist (Canada, 2011)
- Dr Owen Black, Ear Nose & Throat specialist (USA, 2009)
- Mr Wade Bray, Noise Engineer (USA, 2011)
- Professor Arline Bronzaft, Psychologist & Researcher (US, 2010)
- Dr Nuno Castelo Branco, Pathologist (Portugal, 2007)
- Dr Micheal Cooke, General Practitioner (Ireland, 2012)
- Mr Steven Cooper, Acoustician (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Herb Coussos, Medical Practitioner (US, 2010)
- Dr R Crunkhorne, Ear Nose & Throat specialist (UK, 2013)
- Mrs Jane Davis, Nurse (UK, 2010)
- Professor Phillip Dickinson, Acoustician (New Zealand, 2009)
- Associate Professor Con Doolan, Mechanical Engineer (Australia, 2012)
- Mr Chuck Ebbing, Noise Engineer (USA. 2013)
- Dr Alun Evans, Epidemiologist (Ireland, 2011)
- Dr Amir Farboud, Ear Nose & Throat Specialist (UK, 2013)
- Dr. Robert A. Frosch, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University; ex Administrator of NASA; member of the National Academy of Engineering, the AAES, the UK's RAE, etc. (2013)
- Professor Jerome Haller, Neurology and Paediatrics (US, 2008)
- Professor Colin Hansen, Mechanical Engineer, International Expert in Low Frequency Noise & Vibration (Australia, 2010)
- Dr Chris Hanning, Sleep Physician (UK, 2010)
- Professor John Harrison, Physicist (Canada, 2010)
- Dr Amanda Harry, Rural Medical Practitioner (UK, 2003)
- Professor Henry Horn, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (US, 2008)
- Mr Richard Horonjeff, Acoustician (USA, 2010)
- Mr Les Huson, Acoustician (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Jan van Ingen Schenau, MD, Retired Physician (Netherlands, 2013)
- Dr David Iser, Rural Medical Practitioner (Australia, 2004)
- Associate Professor Rick James, Noise Engineer (USA, 2009)
- Dr Roy Jeffrey, Rural Medical Practitioner (Canada, 2010)
- Dr Mauri Johansson, Occupational Physician (Denmark, 2012)
- Mr George Kamperman, Noise Engineer (USA, 2009)
- Professor Ralph Katz, Epidemiologist (US, 2008)
- Dr Noel Kerin, Occupational Physician (Canada, 2010)
- Professor Nicholas Kouwen, PhD., P.Eng., FASCE, University of Waterloo, ON (Canada, 2013)
- Ms Carmen Krogh, Pharmacist, Researcher (Canada, 2009)
- Dr Eckhard Kuck, Oral Surgeon (Germany, 2012)
- Dr Nicole Lachat, Biologist (Switzerland, 2011)
- Dr Sarah Laurie, Former Rural Medical Practitioner (Australia, 2010)
- Dr David Lawrence, Rural Medical Practitioner (USA, 2012)
- Professor Joel Lehrer, Earn Noise & Throat specialist (US, 2008)
- Dr Lu Lombardi, Medical Practitioner, Ontario (Canada, 2010)
- Dr Hazel Lynn, Medical Officer of Health, Grey/Bruce County, ON (Canada, 2012)
- Dr Robert McMurtry, Former Dean of Medical & Dental School, University of Western Ontario (Canada, 2010)
- Peter Mitchell, Engineer, Founder and Chairman of the Waubra Foundation (Australia, 2010)
- Dr Andja Mitric Andjic, Rural Medical Practitioner (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Sarah Myhill, Rural Medical Practitioner, Wales (UK, 2012)
- Dr Michael Nissenbaum, Medical Practitioner (US, 2010)
- Mr Bill Palmer, Engineer (Canada, 2010)
- George Papadopoulos, Pharmacist (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Helen Parker, Psychologist (US, 2011)
- Dr Robyn Phipps, Researcher (NZ, 2007)
- Dr Eja Pedersen, Medical Sociologist (Sweden, 2006)
- Dr Nina Pierpont, PhD, MD, Specialist Paediatrician, Fellow American Academy of Paediatrics (US, 2009)
- Professor Carl Phillips, Epidemiologist (USA, 2010)
- Mr Jerry Punch, Audiologist (USA, 2013)
- Mr Rob Rand, Noise Engineer (USA, 2011)
- Mr Bruce Rapley, Scientist (NZ, 2013)
- Dr Sandy Reider, Medical Practitioner (USA, 2013)
- Linda J Rogers, Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (Canada, 2013)
- Professor Alec Salt, Neurophysiologist (USA, 2010)
- Dr Paul Schomer, Noise Engineer (USA, 2012)
- Mrs Norma Schmidt, Retired Nurse (Canada, 2010)
- Dr Daniel Shepherd, Psychologist, Psychoacoustician (New Zealand, 2010)
- Dr Wayne Spring, Sleep Physician (Australia, 2011)
- Mr Mike Stigwood, Acoustician (UK)
- Dr Malcolm Swinbanks, Acoustician, (UK, 2010)
- Dr Scott Taylor, Rural Medical Practitioner (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Henning Theorell, Medical Practitioner (Sweden, 2012)
- Dr Bob Thorne, Psychoacoustician (Australia, NZ)
- Mr Peter Trask, Psychologist (Australia, 2012)
- Dr A Trinidade, Ear Nose & Throat specialist (UK, 2013)
- Dr Alan Watts, Rural Medical Practitioner (Australia, 2011)
- Dr Colleen Watts, Scientist, former Board Member of the EPA in New South Wales (Australia, 2011)
- Associate Professor Libby Wheatley, Medical Sociologist (USA, 2012)
Kindly advise us of errors and omissions at
WHO definition of Health
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.
The Definition has not been amended since 1948.
Extract from British Institute of Acoustics Code of Conduct
All members of the Institute shall at all times:
- to order their conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of the profession and of the Institute and of its members and officers
- safeguard the public interest in matters of safety, health and the environment
- exercise their professional skill and judgement to the best of their ability discharge their professional responsibilities with integrity, honesty and diligence
List of concerned health practitioners, researchers and acousticians (PDF version)