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Έγγραφα > Noise, health > Wind farms: HEALTH WARNING issued

Wind farms: HEALTH WARNING issued

The Waubra Foundation warns wind turbine manufacturers, developers, acousticians and governments worldwide


"Acoustic engineers working with the wind industry have failed to abide by their professional codes of conduct to place the protection of the health of the community above commercial interests.

"Acoustic engineers who advised or wrote the government wind turbine noise pollution guidelines subsequent to the Kelley research, ensured that the very sound frequencies below 200 Hz known in 1985 to cause adverse health effects and symptoms known as “annoyance” were not included, and were never measured.

"Government bureaucracies including departments of health, planning and noise pollution have consistently failed to protect the health of residents, and failed to investigate and act when serious health problems including exhaustion, and home abandonment were reported by residents and their health practitioners. The first medical practitioner to report health problems to the authorities in Australia was Dr David Iser, in 2004."

Read more: Explicit Warning Notice | November 22, 2013

And here is a radio broadcast about wind farms, by Alan Jones, Australia. The first half is about the economic suicide of Germany and Britain (this could include France and other countries as well). The other half is about the cover up of the Kelley study by some acousticians and health officials; it includes an interview of Dr Sarah Laurie.

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Radio 2GB - November 22, 2013


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